Started the weekend with a viewing of World Trade Center. I wasn't expecting a monumental film, but a good performance from Nick Cage, which held true. The storyline concentrates more on the effects the tragedy had on the lives of two people trapped in the aftermath, and their families. Several times the story drug, and I could have easily gotten the nods, but managed to stay awake the whole time (quite unusual after a days work). Don't go in expecting a lot of CGI or "WOW" visuals, because you won't even see the planes hit the towers, merely a story based on the triumph of a few individuals who actually made it out.
Onto Saturday, where we were off to see the Back to School Bash in Wichita. Not a single performer had an exciting or involved stage show. Out of all, Bubba Sparxx was the best as he rocked hits from all 3 albums. Remember the classic "Ugly" before "Ms. New Booty?" Second best was Paul Wall, based on the "twinkle-twinkle" grill alone. He did a lot of crowd hand-slapping and photo ops. Then there were the others, Chingy (the closer), Ray Cash, Paula Deanda, and the openers, a group from The Lou (STL) and the locals ASSO. The STL group (other than Chingy) was actually pretty decent and I tried to find a CD peddler, but no luck. We walked out on Chingy to head back to Hutch for the swim party/drunkfest. All was fun as I tanked down 4 Bud Lights, trust me, that was binge drinking for me, got my swim-on, and harassed my co-workers. We decided to roll around 3:15 am, and I copped a couple of extra bags of snacks that others brought before we headed home.
Sunday seemed to come bright and early (10:30 am) as we headed back to the ICT (Wichita) to meet a friend from Amarillo, Jeff (J3), for afternoon vittles. Nice convo and lunch at Old Chicago, with the added bonus of a box of free CDs before shoving off. Thanks again for the hook-up, Jeff!! So now it's back on the highway to Hutch to meet Heather's parents for a swim and dinner. For those who don't know Jeff, this is him with Jordan Knight and brother Jonathan at the NARM convention in Orlando. For more info on the Jordan Knight performance, view

This is where the story starts to go arye. While in the pool, Heather and I get in a (water) noodle fight. I get busted in the ear, and try to return the favor with added force, but it just wasn't redemption. I still can't hear at full capacity, and my best guess is some hearing loss due to a damaged ear drum, but Heather assures me it will be all better in the morning, like the day after going to a loud concert. I remain skepical. The best vision I can give is this:

So, that sets the mood for the rest of the evening. When we get home, I fire up the ol' laptop to catch up on some e-communication and as I'm sitting there, my nose starts dripping. It wasn't blood, thankfully, but my sinuses are draining out of control, so much that it dripped some on the touchpad of my laptop. Then, after wiping dry, my mouse quits working. Coincidence? Hmmm. Frustration builds as I tranform into a member of Geek Squad from Best Buy to trouble-shooting the problem. But, to no avail, my tech training has failed me. So, the laptop gets chucked to the side, and we lay down to watch a UK bootleg of the movie Hard Candy. Inevitably, we fall asleep and it's off to bed before 10 pm.
So, in short, my weekend wasn't too crazy, but moreso brief moments of joy, ending with disappointment and dismay. But hey, if I regain my hearing, I have some nice CDs to listen to.