Nas gets shut down again

What’s up with the second coming of Nelly, who performed at this event? Is this cat even relevant today? I’ll give him props for putting St. Louis on the map, but dude is done otherwise. I recently had a friend roll up to me in his Hyundai, and was telling me how he was pimping it out because “no one else in town has done it.” My first thought was, yeah, that’ll be d-o-p-e…uh, N-O-P-E! So, I just nod my head like I too support his dream. Then, right before he drives away, he turns up his stereo and he has Nelly in the deck. Not even newer songs, but Country Grammar. Are you fo’ real? I just shook my head in disbelief and thought, what a dumbass. Might I add, Nelly was also part of the Hip Hop vs. America panel on BET a few week’s ago. Really? He’s one of the leading spokesmen for hip-hop today? If that’s true, then hip-hop’s done gone cray-zay.
Anyway, so Common and Kanye both take 2 awards. I wonder if BET felt obligated to give Mr. West one, in fear of getting bashed like MTV. Granted, he does have a pretty tight album, and probably does deserve something, but it looked a little rigged. And, T.I., although a great rapper, snuck in to TIE with Common for CD of the Year. Did that have anything to do with their compassion for his recent misfortunes? I think so, someone just didn’t want to be the asshole and put one over the other. Weezy takes 1.
I liked the hype performance of "Hurt" with Busta Rhymes and Alfamega, but couldn’t understand a damn thing they said. Too bad T.I. wasn’t there to help with his own song. So, I guess I’m back on the T.I. tip. I do have a little bit of compassion for the brutha, but if he really did what was said, ie. buying illegal firearms, and having been a convicted felon, then it’s his own damn fault and he should get punished like everyone else! Shit, Shyne, Slick Rick, and C-Murder all dropped albums in the joint.
KRS-One received the “I Am Hip-Hop” award. What’s up, South Bronx, South, South, Bronx. Yeah, dude deserves it.
I still wonder why everyone’s on Weezy’s dick. He’s has a few bangin rhymes, but when did he become the premiere rapper? Might I add, it was Gillie the Kid who ghost wrote most of The Carter. Okay, so he’s one of the youngest dudes in the game to hold mad stakes in a record company, does that automatically crown him king-negro? He still has yet to impress me.
Kanye saves face by forfeiting his 2nd award to Outkast and UGK, who he felt had a better video, but they give it back saying he earned it. Aw, a true hip-hop moment, HUGS.
Anyway, the show ends with Soulja Boy doing “his dance.” Yet another awards show that fails to entertain me, and also fails to be a true reflection of hip-hop. Who’s really calling the shots? The labels, the radio stations, the fans? If this is what the game has become (Weezy, Common, and Kanye), then it may have met it’s doom.
Give it up to Bootsy Collins and his date for representing:
Maxed Out is a great documentary about how American’s continue to live in debt, and how credit card companies and financial lenders feed off that, to help us grow even more debt. We also can’t forget how Bush and prior presidents haven’t helped our national debt situation, and have borrowed out of the social security fund to pay-off interest rates so we would not default. And, to save money, the government continues to cut federally-funded programs, rather than getting to the root of the problem, which is ridiculous govt spending, and trying to bail out other countries.
Yeah, we want to be the dominant power, but why do we have to put our noses in everyone’s business? Let the world deal with their problems, and we only get involved when our own freedom is at risk.
So, as interest rates rise, and our eyes get bigger than our pocket books, we increase our personal debt, which can take two lifetimes or more to get paid off. Overall rating is a 4. The only other thing I would liked to have seen is how we compare to other countries, and what their relief programs are.