Vacation coming to an end
Well, when I report to work tomorrow morning, vacation will be officially over. :( In all, I got to see my bro from Australia, Kembra from Bentonville, my cousin, Amy, and her dad, Frank, from KC, and pretty much the rest of my family that reside in Springfield. The trip was too short, but it was nice to get away and see everyone. I was able to get a few movies watched, but no reviews posted, and went to see the Friday the 13th remake again. There just wasn't near enough time to do the other things I wanted, and sleeping until 11 or noon everyday didn't help either, but was well-needed.
Heather and I will be heading to Chicago next weekend for Fangoria's horror convention, and to see and stay with my cousin, Susan (Amy's sister), and her new family. It should be a good time, and I'm really looking forward to the Italian panel with Lamberto Bava (Demons 1&2) and Ruggero Deodato (Cannibal Holocaust). Knee-deep in nothing but horror movies, discussion, fans, and memorabilia for three days, oh, the life. And, I already bought tickets for the Texas Frightmare Weekend in May, which Lukas will be accompanying me again.

I'm also working again with the guys I did a local movie with (Undead on Arrival) a few years back on their next feature, which is a vampire flick. I'm not a big fan of the genre, so it should be challenging. Working on UoA was a great experience, so I'm sure this will be too. The new one seems a little far-fetched and high-hoped, but hey, isn't that what dreams are made of? Here's the website that will detail our progress:
After a 2nd watch of FT13th, I'm still not impressed. The Jason I like is a slow-mover, but ends up where you are, no matter how fast you're moving. And, since Michael Bay did this one too, it seemed to reek of the TCM remake, which I liked, but didn't need to see again in another movie. There were a few boobs (Willa Ford), and a couple of decent kill scenes, but I don't feel like it really brought anything new to the series. Lukas and I tried watching FT13th Part 3 in 3D and it sucked! That red/blue 3D technology is so archaic. But, I've always been a fan of Part 3, and not just because that's when Jason get's his mask, and am looking forward to the Blu Ray, even though I still don't have a high def TV, but keep looking.

So, I put some feelers out for some new screeners, and have two coming (Zombie Cheerleading Camp and Mindflesh). This will force me to get off my ass and post some new reviews for my diligent fan-base of five. So, as my vacation comes to a close, I can't stress enough how I need to get a better grip on my job. More time off just makes for better living. And, if I have time when I get back, I'll try to give a breakdown of the greats (and not-so-greats) from the convention. Maybe Tom Savini won't be an asshole this time around.
Heather and I will be heading to Chicago next weekend for Fangoria's horror convention, and to see and stay with my cousin, Susan (Amy's sister), and her new family. It should be a good time, and I'm really looking forward to the Italian panel with Lamberto Bava (Demons 1&2) and Ruggero Deodato (Cannibal Holocaust). Knee-deep in nothing but horror movies, discussion, fans, and memorabilia for three days, oh, the life. And, I already bought tickets for the Texas Frightmare Weekend in May, which Lukas will be accompanying me again.

I'm also working again with the guys I did a local movie with (Undead on Arrival) a few years back on their next feature, which is a vampire flick. I'm not a big fan of the genre, so it should be challenging. Working on UoA was a great experience, so I'm sure this will be too. The new one seems a little far-fetched and high-hoped, but hey, isn't that what dreams are made of? Here's the website that will detail our progress:
After a 2nd watch of FT13th, I'm still not impressed. The Jason I like is a slow-mover, but ends up where you are, no matter how fast you're moving. And, since Michael Bay did this one too, it seemed to reek of the TCM remake, which I liked, but didn't need to see again in another movie. There were a few boobs (Willa Ford), and a couple of decent kill scenes, but I don't feel like it really brought anything new to the series. Lukas and I tried watching FT13th Part 3 in 3D and it sucked! That red/blue 3D technology is so archaic. But, I've always been a fan of Part 3, and not just because that's when Jason get's his mask, and am looking forward to the Blu Ray, even though I still don't have a high def TV, but keep looking.

So, I put some feelers out for some new screeners, and have two coming (Zombie Cheerleading Camp and Mindflesh). This will force me to get off my ass and post some new reviews for my diligent fan-base of five. So, as my vacation comes to a close, I can't stress enough how I need to get a better grip on my job. More time off just makes for better living. And, if I have time when I get back, I'll try to give a breakdown of the greats (and not-so-greats) from the convention. Maybe Tom Savini won't be an asshole this time around.