When it comes to my money, I'ma straight a-hole
I got my recent credit card statement and there were 3 things wrong: 1) there was a late fee of $39 charged, 2) a finance charge of $11.04, and 3) an overcharge of $100 from an online purchase. So, I e-mail the appropriate customer services for all activity above. I get a response back from the merchant saying that the $100 was charged in error and will be credited back, but as far as my cc company's response to the late fee,
"We understand your concern regarding the late fee on your account. Our records indicate that the minimum payment of $15.00 for your 07/04/07 statement was due by 07/24/07 and we received the payment on 07/25/07. Since we did not receive the minimum payment by the due date, a late fee was assessed to your account. Unfortunately, we are unable to comply with your request to remove the late fee from your account. According to your Cardmember Agreement and Disclosure Statement, we must receive your payment amount by the payment due date or a late fee will be assessed. You may refer to the back of your billing statement for an explanation of when payments are posted based on receipt. Please allow at least 7 business days for your payment to reach us by mail and 2-3 business days for online payments. You are important to us and we appreciate your business."
My response:
""You are important to us and we appreciate your business." That's a joke, if I truly was of importance, then you'd consider lifting the finance charge. I was late only one day due to the mail system, yet the payment you received was in full. I also noticed there was an $11.04 finance charge added to my account. For what, being a day late too? My balance is always paid in full according to the invoice amount sent, and I've only been late one other time, which was due to extensive travel and not getting my mail. View my payment history and you'll see, I make a lot of purchases and usually make my payments in full on time. If nothing will be done, I will strongly consider taking my business elsewhere. Thank you for your time and I hope to get a response soon."
Okay, call me an a-hole for disputing this and being "that customer," but it should not take more than 4 days to get and process a payment to California. Conveniently for them, if payment is not received by 3pm on the due date, it's considered late. 3pm? That's better than bankers hours, where can I sign up! So, here's their response:
"We understand your concern regarding the late fee and finance charges. As a courtesy, the late fee in the amount of $39.00 and finance charges in the amount of $11.04 has been credited to your account. The fee reversal will appear on one of your next two billing statements. You are important to us and we appreciate your business."
Justice has been served, power to the people!

Nice next time I have a prob. with my credit card I'm just bringing it to you.
My fees are pretty high, you betta have a nice pad in your bank account.
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