Our movie review site: www.sideshowreview.com
I was recently asked to help post movie reviews on the website above. For those who know me, you know that I watch and digest a lot of movies a week, and have even been looked upon by my peers as a horror movie expert. :) This is not the only genre of films I watch, but most of my posts will probably be for these, and of course, other movies you may have never heard of.
One intent of the site is to bring you reviews of somewhat obscure cinema, even though we may throw in what's considered an "A-movie" or "Blockbuster" every now and then. The other is to make us feel important, as we're in hopes that people will eventually dig us, and then rely on our movie insight and knowledge as gospel. This will be an evolving page as new ideas and media interaction become available, so sit back, and enjoy Smokeskrene and K-Fleet's movie review mania.

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