The Great Dillons Fiasco

So, today was an eventful day for our sleepy little town. One of the Dillons stores was surrounded by cops, TV stations, rubberneckers, and plenty of stories. Being only a stone-throws away from the grocery giant, our parking lot became "the spot" for spectators who wanted to be the first to tell their friends that "they were there." The real story was unclear, was there an attempted robbery? a stand-off? hostages? a bomb threat? the SWAT team and snipers? Depending on who you asked, the story seemed to get more elaborate. So, when asked what was going on, I'd say that all the above are rumored, and "whatever else you want to add."
Eyewitness 12 News from Wichita called to ask me what was happening, as if I were right there talking to the officers. They showed up sometime later to broadcast the activity. Hours later, roads were still blocked off, but all the hubbub had died down. An insider source says they'll re-open tomorrow morning with extra security, and counselors available for uneasy workers.
So, I thought I'd get the "official" take by watching the 10 o'clock news. It appears that all correspondence was done over the phone, and since the villian had insider info on particular people in the store, it was beleived that he/she was somewhere in the building. The hostages were asked to strip, but after the police entered the building, no bomb or villian were found.
So, this appears to be another elaborate prank to hassle the local P.D.. About a week ago, another stand-off took place at an apartment complex, with the same result, cold empty-handed. "Darn it, foiled again!"
So, if anything else unfolds, you'll hear it here, first, maybe second.
The PD sniper was on top of tradepost. I also heard something about security camera's being the eyes in the store.
It's the darn kids and their dope, that's what it is! And tell them to stop skateboarding on the sidewalks!
damn that cigaweed.
The saga continues, the other 2 Dillons and Walmart were hit today. I didn't make the connection before, but the cigaweed and grocery store make sense now, they were hungry as hell.
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