Long overdue--Best of Horrorfest
Work's takin up all my time these days; you know, retail, the holidays, need I say more? But, I did want to give my thoughts on the Horrorfest selections. It was a short weekend, but a long time spent in the theatre. My early prediction, Gravedancers, ended taking the #2 spot strictly because of the CGI effect ending, how disappointing. So, here's the rundown, watch for these on DVD in 2007 from Lionsgate Films.
#1 Unrest-nice storyline, effects, nudity (although they were cadavers) and gore. I'll gladly buy a copy of this for my collection.
#2 Gravedancers-decent storyline and acting, but the ending kept it from being #1.
#3 Abandoned-good story, effects, and overall picture. This ran close to #2 and with another watch, could overtake that spot. You'll have to be attentive on this one, because it can lose you quickly by jumping from past to present and future.
#4 Wicked Little Things-kind of like Village of the Damned meets Children of the Corn, but in a mining community. Nothing really over the top, but enough to keep interest.
#5 Dark Ride-very predictable ending, but enough gore and boobs to please the average fan. This could very well have been sliced down to an hour and appeared as a Masters of Horror episode.
#6 The Hamiltons-pretty good film until the ending that killed it all. Incest, the crazy kill-happy brother, the basement of torture and death, and the "thing" locked in the cage. It plays out to be a cannibal movie, but in fact is another story about vampires trying to blend with society. The "thing" ends up being the youngest brother who's locked up because he's too young to understand what's going on, yet has the taste for blood.
#7 Penny Dreadful-this movie seemed like it went on for 3 hours. A girl's trapped in a car, in the cold, in the woods, going insane, while the killer plays tricks on her. Not sure if I'll put myself through this one again.
That's a recap, watch and make your own determination. I haven't had a chance to watch Reincarnation yet, but it's on my list. If you don't hear from me before then, have a Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year. By the way, go check out the Black Christmas remake Dec 25th. :) Be on the look out for lot's more horror in 2007. I sign off with a blast from the past recently resurrected by Synapse Films:
#1 Unrest-nice storyline, effects, nudity (although they were cadavers) and gore. I'll gladly buy a copy of this for my collection.
#2 Gravedancers-decent storyline and acting, but the ending kept it from being #1.
#3 Abandoned-good story, effects, and overall picture. This ran close to #2 and with another watch, could overtake that spot. You'll have to be attentive on this one, because it can lose you quickly by jumping from past to present and future.
#4 Wicked Little Things-kind of like Village of the Damned meets Children of the Corn, but in a mining community. Nothing really over the top, but enough to keep interest.
#5 Dark Ride-very predictable ending, but enough gore and boobs to please the average fan. This could very well have been sliced down to an hour and appeared as a Masters of Horror episode.
#6 The Hamiltons-pretty good film until the ending that killed it all. Incest, the crazy kill-happy brother, the basement of torture and death, and the "thing" locked in the cage. It plays out to be a cannibal movie, but in fact is another story about vampires trying to blend with society. The "thing" ends up being the youngest brother who's locked up because he's too young to understand what's going on, yet has the taste for blood.
#7 Penny Dreadful-this movie seemed like it went on for 3 hours. A girl's trapped in a car, in the cold, in the woods, going insane, while the killer plays tricks on her. Not sure if I'll put myself through this one again.
That's a recap, watch and make your own determination. I haven't had a chance to watch Reincarnation yet, but it's on my list. If you don't hear from me before then, have a Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year. By the way, go check out the Black Christmas remake Dec 25th. :) Be on the look out for lot's more horror in 2007. I sign off with a blast from the past recently resurrected by Synapse Films:

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