Friday the 13th came and went, but no Jason in sight
So, I started feeling guilty this morning for not representing the big J-V (Jason Voorhees) on Friday the 13th.
After a long day at work, all I wanted to do was come home and sleep, and did. But, then I was thinking, "Boy, you really blew it, when will you ever get another chance to scare harmless on-lookers on Friday the 13th in the month of Halloween?" Well, I guess the answer is, in about 7 years from now. But, then again, why should I have given them the pleasure of seeing me be "that guy" who dresses up like Jason on Friday the 13th? You couldn't ask for anything more unoriginal and predictable.
Normally, any chance I get to show off my $85 FT13 Part 3 replica mask, I do, but sleep deprivation overrode this opportunity. So, why should I feel guilty? Maybe it's because I claim to be such a big a horror fanatic with Mr. Voorhees reigning supreme over all other killers. But, Friday the 13th really only represents the day Jason drowned, and the day his mother came back for revenge. It wasn't even in the month of October when he was killed, it was in late Summer/early Fall. So, I decided to stop beating myself up over it. No injustice done or love lost!
This town just doesn't getting it anyway, no matter how hard I try. So, with work draining every creative cell in my body, and not having the gumption or motivation to do anything but sleep, my time alone has taken priority over simple pleasures. Sad thing is, I've even contemplated not dressing up for Halloween. EEkkkk.....get a doctor cause this guy's gone mad! But, I did buy a Yeti mask, thought it'd be fun to run around in an all-white fur suit, which I have yet to find, growling at all in sight. I also picked up a gas mask, not sure what for, but thought it looked cool and might be able to use it as a back-up. So, we'll have to wait and see. In the mean time, if anyone's seen the real Kris, please send him home, he's greatly missed.

Normally, any chance I get to show off my $85 FT13 Part 3 replica mask, I do, but sleep deprivation overrode this opportunity. So, why should I feel guilty? Maybe it's because I claim to be such a big a horror fanatic with Mr. Voorhees reigning supreme over all other killers. But, Friday the 13th really only represents the day Jason drowned, and the day his mother came back for revenge. It wasn't even in the month of October when he was killed, it was in late Summer/early Fall. So, I decided to stop beating myself up over it. No injustice done or love lost!
This town just doesn't getting it anyway, no matter how hard I try. So, with work draining every creative cell in my body, and not having the gumption or motivation to do anything but sleep, my time alone has taken priority over simple pleasures. Sad thing is, I've even contemplated not dressing up for Halloween. EEkkkk.....get a doctor cause this guy's gone mad! But, I did buy a Yeti mask, thought it'd be fun to run around in an all-white fur suit, which I have yet to find, growling at all in sight. I also picked up a gas mask, not sure what for, but thought it looked cool and might be able to use it as a back-up. So, we'll have to wait and see. In the mean time, if anyone's seen the real Kris, please send him home, he's greatly missed.
Dude, gas mask = My Bloody Valentine. Remember the killer in that wore a miners outfit with hard hat/cap lamp and a gas mask! You have now rounded out your all you need are a real red/green woven sweater and a brown fadora hat.
Yeah, that was my first thought when buying it, but then again, this town just won't get it. Everyone would say, "Who/what are you supposed to be?" If you aren't extremely mainstream, they don't understand. I would get just as much response from a cheap ass white plastic hockey mask as I do with my replica. Straight uncultured.
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