What makes bowling great?
I love to bowl, however, with work conflicts and lack of others participation, I've been benched for a year now. By being a member of the ABC (American Bowling Congress), I receive e-mails from bowl.com, a website which gives info on the latest bowling events. Normally, I'd briefly browse, delete, and move on, but recently, a little more time has been spent viewing. Why, you ask? It's because they've featured some of the top female bowlers. Bowling's great when you can watch this all day; fierce, yet subtle and eloquent.
Take one of these ladies to the alley and hustle all night long. Ching, ching, money in the bank. So, take a trip to your local bowling alley and maybe you'll get a glimpse of one of the future leaders of the WIBC (Womens International Bowling Congress). B.I.F.-Bowling Is Fun, and sometimes nice to look at!

Yes, but for each one of these beauties, there's 10 ass-crack showing, poodle-perm wearing, pork rind eating sea donkeys at the alley!
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