Have you seen.........Big Will?
A long lost friend is missing, his name is William "Big Will" McCrimmons. Last seen in Columbia, MO and now resides in St. Louis. We lost touch right after our 10yr class reunion, which he did not attend. Shortly thereafter, he got a divorce and would no longer respond to phone calls or e-mails from me. Why? I have no idea, and every opportunity he's had to explain, he's denied me the right.
My friends and I have known Big Will since junior high school, where he was the biggest football player on a rival's team (Pipkin Jr. High), and we also saw him every year at city band concerts. We became friends in high school and were down like brothers. I'd seen Will fall in and out of love, and finally, he found "the one." I was a groomsmen at the wedding and we kept in touch until Fall 2003. I can't seem to put the past behind me, so I've tried every attempt to contact and use intermediaries to help, but to no avail.
I recently ran across his profile on Myspace through a friend's page, Larry Andrus. So, I sent him a few messages and tried to get him to add me as a friend, but still no response. Larry sent one too, but nothing. This tells me that he not only wants nothing to do with me, but anyone associated to me. That's sad, and down-right rude. So, I wrote him another plea:
Hey, bro, we were down for a long time, but I guess that doesn't mean anything. All I ask is for an explanation, then I'll leave you alone. If you want to forget your past, that's fine, but those of us who were there, truly there for you, are there until the end. (Me, Kelly, Scott, Rich, Brad, Larry, Donald, etc) We helped build the character that makes the Big Will of today, no matter what's happened in between. From the womb to the tomb, believe that!!
I'm sure I won't get a response, so ask anyone who reads this to help in my mission to get a hold of him. This may require you to set up a Myspace account, which doesn't take long, then choose the "find a friend" option and send him a message. It's not only a personal mission, but one for everyone who was in "The Posse." I can't sit back and do nothing, so please help me in my crusade, The Free Big Will Foundation.
My friends and I have known Big Will since junior high school, where he was the biggest football player on a rival's team (Pipkin Jr. High), and we also saw him every year at city band concerts. We became friends in high school and were down like brothers. I'd seen Will fall in and out of love, and finally, he found "the one." I was a groomsmen at the wedding and we kept in touch until Fall 2003. I can't seem to put the past behind me, so I've tried every attempt to contact and use intermediaries to help, but to no avail.
I recently ran across his profile on Myspace through a friend's page, Larry Andrus. So, I sent him a few messages and tried to get him to add me as a friend, but still no response. Larry sent one too, but nothing. This tells me that he not only wants nothing to do with me, but anyone associated to me. That's sad, and down-right rude. So, I wrote him another plea:
Hey, bro, we were down for a long time, but I guess that doesn't mean anything. All I ask is for an explanation, then I'll leave you alone. If you want to forget your past, that's fine, but those of us who were there, truly there for you, are there until the end. (Me, Kelly, Scott, Rich, Brad, Larry, Donald, etc) We helped build the character that makes the Big Will of today, no matter what's happened in between. From the womb to the tomb, believe that!!
I'm sure I won't get a response, so ask anyone who reads this to help in my mission to get a hold of him. This may require you to set up a Myspace account, which doesn't take long, then choose the "find a friend" option and send him a message. It's not only a personal mission, but one for everyone who was in "The Posse." I can't sit back and do nothing, so please help me in my crusade, The Free Big Will Foundation.

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