Thursday, April 10, 2008

An old man, the Whole Foods Store, and the earth people

So, my week has been exhausting with work, very little play, some sleep, and not much of anything else. Nothing really new to those who know me, but I’m slipping into an abyss and can’t find a happy balance. With sales declines, labor cuts, increased tasks, and executive visits on the horizon, my need to work more is plentiful, but at the same time, my need to spend more time not working, at least in that setting, is almost two-fold in order to keep my sanity and not go postal. But, I had an interesting situation last week I thought I’d share, and my experience at the Whole Foods Store was interesting.

So, an old man approaches me while I’m looking something up on a computer at work. I ask if he needs help, and somewhat stand-offish, he asks if his special order DVD is in (one of the Death Wish movies). I tell him I’ll check, and he then asks if my video manager was there. I said no, she didn’t work that day, and he mumbles something about traveling 80 miles from the Oklahoma border and wasn’t going to wait…. I find his order, but let him know that the others were on back-order. Then, out of the blue he says, “Are you Amish?” I said, “Actually, no, I’m not.” He then says, “Then what are you?” My mind ticks for a catchy comeback, but instead of taking the sarcastic route, I just said, “I’m just someone who likes to wear a long beard.” He then says, “Oh.” I just wonder had I said that I was Amish, what would’ve been his response or action. It’s not unusual to hear the Amish reference, or even ZZ Top, that’s what I get for having a long goatee, but he really caught me off guard. Anyway, I had to laugh it off because I not only sold him his special order, but directed him to our westerns where he picked up a few John Wayne titles. It could’ve been interesting to see him go Hondo on my ass had I fed into his question.

The Whole Foods Store, a great way to eat healthy, support local organic farmers, and feel good about yourself after doing so. Heather and I have shopped at organic food stores before, actually, she shops and I walk around making fun of things, so it’s no big deal, but this was the first time we had been to this one. While she’s looking at some display, I meander over to look at the natural laundry soaps, checking out these balls that are filled with some type of soap agent and can be reused 2-3 times. Quite interesting, I thought, as I kept reading the back. There was a dude setting up a cracker display in the aisle and he approached me and said, “Those are expensive, you should try this instead,” pointing at a bottle on the bottom shelf called Gum something. When I looked at the price, it was 19.99, so I wondered if this dude was just trying to upsell me, seeing that the other was like 9.99, or if he really thought it was a better product for the price. He went onto say how good it smelled, and I said, “I was just checking these out, because I had never seen anything like it,” which he further educated me by saying, “Yeah, like when they used to do their laundry with berries and stuff.” Mental note, don’t reckon with earth people as you might get schooled in the days of old.

So, we approach the counter and see another person that was “earthy.” What I mean, is that these people looked like they walked straight out of Woodstock. The dude looked like he had just gotten out of bed, threw on some clothes, put on his sandals, and headed to work with hair still matted. The chick had long brown hair, a long dress, and sandals that were reminiscent of a flower child. I wondered if she shaved her legs and pits, but didn’t think it was appropriate to ask. There was one other dude in the store who was more mainstream, he wore baggy jeans and a polo shirt, and sported a ‘stache and beard, and although fairly well-groomed, easily related to the others. I think the chick fancied him because when she said they needed some music, and he said he had some CDs, they both went over to a drawer, and she was all up on his shit. The dude checking us out said, “CDs, yeah, no commercial propaganda,” or something like that, as to say, down with commercial radio and the establishment. So, the dude pulls out a CD entitled “Whales and Dolphins," and I think she said, “That’s a good one!” Really? These earth people are for real, I hope they don't start preaching to me about my Chi being out of whack!

So, we finish the transaction, and head toward the door. On the way out, Heather says, “They usually aren’t this eccentric” and I say, “Yeah, invasion of the earth people.” So, if you shop at a Whole Foods store, don’t be surprised to see Janis Joplin, Charlie Manson, and maybe even a Jimi Hendrix look-a-like in there.

Well, those are the noteworthy stories of the week. I have a ton of movie reviews to do, and a few blog ideas, but work continues to kick my ass, and my need to sleep for long durations continues. I’m sure my body's just too damn tired of working 60-70 hours a week, my mind is tired of feeling unappreciated by the company I’ve busted my ass and sacrificed for over the last 7 years, and my motivation to do anything else is ZERO. Doc says it might be depression, but I think it’s oppression and repression, as my want to fight the establishment increases, but my thoughts tend to take the “I don’t give a shit” stance, and I take a complacent role. It’s like I’ve settled to eat a shit sandwich, when there’s a ham and cheese right beside it. Maybe it’s just the earth person in me wanting to come out, and even though “The Goat” might suggest it, I’m not ready for a life of picketing, pacifism, saving sea animals, and soy consumption, although my bowels could use a good cleansing.
Yeah, right, gimme my meat!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should see me around a bunch of greenies. I like the "environmental" debates. Ask them to prove any of their theories with scientific evidence...doesn't happen. If you want to be entertained, ask one of them, with a straight face, if they think global warming is real. Then tell them you think it is a manufactured threat, like Al Queda, and stand back awaiting the greenie bullshit tyrade. Support your views with fabricated facts, as they will be doing the same (but they believe them)!
-Aussie Mining Bro

5:02 AM  

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