Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Been a while and I still ain't back

So, my New Years resolution seems to be merely words spoken and not carried through. Well, that wasn't the intention, but seems to have panned out that way over the last couple of months (once again) due to work and obligations I feel I need to fulfill there. But, I do look for a brighter tomorrow, which should start next weekend with the Texas Frightmare Weekend in Dallas and chillin with my bro bro Kelly. We'll get to see George Romero (again), Tom Savini (again), some more of the Suicide Girls, Eric Stanze (a director hailing from St. Louis, MO), Isaac and Malachai from Children of the Corn, the chicks from Rob Zombie's Halloween (again), and some of the original cast of Night of the Living Dead (they're probably real zombies now), Day of the Dead, and Dawn of the Dead. So, it will be a screener packed weekend and hopefully barrels of fun. I'll try my damnedest to get a recap once I'm home, but after that, you may not hear back from me until spring as I need to concentrate more on movie watching (the stacks grow weekly), spending time with Heather and friends, and working a little less, even though Heather, Lukas, and Cassandra would say, A LOT LESS. By the time you hear from me again, I will have turned the ripe old age of 33, so here's to the dirty thirties, and if you forgot to get me a present, I'll gladly take a monetary deposit via paypal. :) Cheers!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

pops says happy b day son you r not gettin older just better. by the way your bro has a present for u don't let him forget. have a good time in dallas. love pops /sheryl

8:30 AM  

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