A declaration for 2008
I’ve been a really shitty friend, boyfriend, brother, and son over the last six months. With work consuming me even moreso than usual, I’ve become more self-absorbed. In return, sleep, minimal confrontation or opposition, and my “leave me the F-alone” attitude have overtaken me. So, I haven’t been there when I should have, or have been late, I haven’t really taken other people’s feelings into consideration, and have easily been annoyed when bothered. So, I have to say I’m sorry, and hope to change things in the new year.
My plan is to hopefully work less, the addition of an assistant manager should help (fingers- crossed), hold my associates more accountable, because I’m tired of dancing circles around everyone else, even at my tiredest moments, and enjoy time away from work. I might even travel a little to see family and friends, starting with vacation in February and to the Texas Frightmare Weekend in Dallas, woo hoo! I’d also like to spend more time blogging, and watching my mounds of movies, in order to get up more reviews on http://www.sideshowreview.com/, which has been both a revelation and a hinderance.
It has given me a vehicle to express my opinion, bring unheard of movies to my loyal viewers, and has challenged me to be creative and insightful, while staying true to my likes/dislikes. It has hindered me in being able to get several movies watched in one sitting, and has somewhat decreased my pleasure in watching, because I feel obligated to do a review, because 1) I want to continue to establish my credibility through review volume, and 2) if I don’t post a review, I feel like I’m letting down my fans, how few they may be, and also my review partner, Smokeskrene, who has worked diligently in spreading the word, and has also busted his ass too to get reviews up. Now, obviously, the holidays have been an exception for us due to our current career choice and overall holiday busyness, but rest assured, we have plans to devote more quality time to our plight.
So, here’s to a better friend in me, more movie reviews, time spent with yous, and blogging in 2008.
By the way, I did have the sincerest pumpkin carving skills in 2007, that is, according to The Great Pumpkin!
My plan is to hopefully work less, the addition of an assistant manager should help (fingers- crossed), hold my associates more accountable, because I’m tired of dancing circles around everyone else, even at my tiredest moments, and enjoy time away from work. I might even travel a little to see family and friends, starting with vacation in February and to the Texas Frightmare Weekend in Dallas, woo hoo! I’d also like to spend more time blogging, and watching my mounds of movies, in order to get up more reviews on http://www.sideshowreview.com/, which has been both a revelation and a hinderance.
It has given me a vehicle to express my opinion, bring unheard of movies to my loyal viewers, and has challenged me to be creative and insightful, while staying true to my likes/dislikes. It has hindered me in being able to get several movies watched in one sitting, and has somewhat decreased my pleasure in watching, because I feel obligated to do a review, because 1) I want to continue to establish my credibility through review volume, and 2) if I don’t post a review, I feel like I’m letting down my fans, how few they may be, and also my review partner, Smokeskrene, who has worked diligently in spreading the word, and has also busted his ass too to get reviews up. Now, obviously, the holidays have been an exception for us due to our current career choice and overall holiday busyness, but rest assured, we have plans to devote more quality time to our plight.
So, here’s to a better friend in me, more movie reviews, time spent with yous, and blogging in 2008.

pops says welcome to the real world son. life is not fair,believe me been there done that. you are young enough to stop and smell the roses. don't wait until the roses are on top of you to smell them. i understand what you're going through, just wish i would have slowed down when i was your age and been a better father. sometimes i think i taught you boys the wrong thing in life. there is more than work. pops
Ehh, you were a good father and did what you felt was right to support the family. I don't think you taught us that work was the most important, but did instill in us to bust our ass and give our best when we were there. We've each made our own choices and have either reaped the benefits or suffered the consequences for it.
So does this mean I might see you sometime in the future? ;) LOL! Well, at least you see the error of your ways and have the ability to make ammends. Who knows, you might start to really enjoy life a skosh! Take care, hope to hear from you!
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