Texas Frightmare Weekend 2008
So, I met my brother, Kelly, in Dallas for this year's TFW which was at the Hilton near the DFW airport. The first celebrity we encounter is Tom Savini. So, I text my friend, Lukas, and we tells me to relay the message to the FX Guru that he's a prick. Quite fitting as we'd seen his assholishness come to light last year. For further info, read my blog on the TFW 2007.
The last feature of the night was The Flesh Keeper. A blatant rip off of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Devil's Rejects, and American Psycho, but still held a higher rating than the first two features of the day. So, tomorrow brings more horror icons, more screenings, and more perusing the vendor booths for things we may have missed the first few times.
A side note: out of four features, not a single one had any nudity, which is a must for most b-horror, so you don't walk away feeling totally jipped if the movie and acting sucks.
Day 2:
First business of the day was to get my poster signed. So, I dropped 15 bucks and got my picture taken with Malachai (Courtney Gains). He's a pretty cool dude, just too bad Isaac couldn't make it too.
The KNB panel was pretty good, kind of cool to see a small horror FX company grow into what it is today. Notable work includes the Austin Powers movies, Chronicles of Narnia, and the Masters of Horror series, as well as a whole slew of others. I think he said they were involved in like 600 films over the course of the years.
Next panel was with Harvey Stephens, the guy who played little Damien in the original Omen. Funny thing is, is that he didn't even stay with acting, and only did one other feature when he was 10, which wasn't even horror. It was kind of sad to see how detached he was from the part, and could almost care less, but he's moved onto other things and owns a chauffeur service. His panel was followed by a lame Diary of the Dead discussion which Romero didn't even sit in on.

Harvey and Lloyd, the president of the TFW (I think)
The best panel by far was with Malcolm McDowell, who both entetained with his stories, and was very open to discussion about anything, including his role in Caligula and experiences with Peter O'Toole. What a great guy!

There were a few other noteworthy celebs there: Elvira, Ken Foree, Tom Atkins, Rob Zombie's Halloween chicks, Lynn Lowry, and several of The Suicide Girls, but I wasn't dropping anymore cash for autographs, as I think it's ridiculous. And, had Kelly not gotten me the poster, I probably wouldn't have gotten any. I think they need to try selling a pass where you drop like $100-200, and you can get as many autographs as you want. It would beat paying 15-25 bucks a pop, and the celebs can even sell their photos and DVDs to make a little cash on the side.
So, that concludes this year's TFW, which wasn't as exciting as last year, but maybe that's because there were less familiar faces, and more familiarity of the overall event. When something's fresh and new, it's more exciting, ya know, and I felt like a veteran walking around. There's rumor that another convention will happen this Fall, so maybe Lukas or Dustin will want to go. But, I think I'll set my sights a little higher, and may try to catch a Fangoria sponsored event in Chicago or Austin. After seeing two of the TFW, they just seem so amateur. I also need to surf the net looking for the most obscure horror shirts possible, since two different dudes had mine on, but no one could touch my Dexter t's. :)

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